
Pressemitteilung SwissPro Invest: Bangladesh – Byweekly review 11 April – 22 April 2016

SwissPro | Frankfurt, 25.04.2016 IMF retains economic growth outlook for Bangladesh The International Monetary Fund has also kept economic forecast for Bangladesh unchanged at 6.8 percent for this fiscal year after a same type of forecast by Asian Development Bank. Retaining its last October forecast, IMF estimated the same GDP growth outlook for Bangladesh. However, the IMF’s projection is closer to the Asian Development Bank’s forecast of 6.7 percent and the government’s 7.05 percent. Recently, the government claimed that the …

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Pressemitteilung SwissPro Invest: Bangladesh – byweekly review 13 March – 25 March 2016

SwissPro | Frankfurt, 30.03.2016. July-January FDI rises over 30% Bangladesh received over USD 1.22 billion net Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the first seven months (July-January) of the current fiscal year. The amount is 30.4% more than the net FDI received in the same period in the financial year 2014-15. The rise in FDI means that an environment of investment has been created in the country. Bangladesh is getting attractive to the foreign investors.

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Pressemitteilung SwissPro Invest: Bangladesh – weekly review 21 Februar – 26 Februar 2016

SwissPro | Frankfurt, 28.02.2016. Sales of savings instruments soar Sales of savings instruments rose 18.86% year-on-year in the first six months of the fiscal year due to higher interest rates than banks and a dull stock market. The government sold BDT 23,024 crore of savings instruments between July and December. Although seven months have passed in the fiscal year, the government is yet to borrow any fund from the banking system, which is the cost-effective option. From July 1 to …

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Pressemitteilung SwissPro Invest: Bangladesh – weekly review 6December – 11December 2015

SwissPro | Frankfurt, 16.12.2015. Bangladesh – Steady growth, Economic outlook. We expect economic growth to inch up to 6.6% in FY16 from 6.5% in FY15 (year ending in June). Bangladesh is entering 2016 with sound macroeconomic fundamentals, including slower inflation, a stable exchange rate, a manageable fiscal deficit, and a balance-of-payments surplus over the past year. There have been no significant political strikes since March 2015, which is supportive of economic growth. On-the-ground feedback suggests a low chance of political disruptions on the scale seen in …

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Pressemitteilung SwissPro Invest: Bangladesh – weekly review 15November – 20November 2015

SwissPro | Frankfurt, 22.11.2015. World Bank approves additional financing to raise electricity supply World Bank (WB) approved an additional USD 177 million financing to increase reliable, low-cost electricity supply in Bangladesh. The additional financing will help the construction of a 335 megawatt (mw) combined cycle power plant at Siddhirganj, near Dhaka. The combined cycle technology allows the plant to produce higher energy with lower gas consumption. This cleaner technology reduces carbon emission while ensuring higher thermal efficiency. The plant will …

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Pressemitteilung SwissPro Invest: SPI Bangladesh Fund stellt sich vor

 SwissPro | Frankfurt, 08.12.2014. Christian Forthuber – Managing Director SwissPro Invest Kräftiges Wachstum, geringe Verschuldung, stabile Währung, hohe Investitionen: Was sich wie ein Wirtschaftswunder anhört, ist heute die Beschreibung für Bangladesch. Diese Volkswirtschaft mit knapp 160 Millionen Einwohnern beeindruckt durch ihre dynamische Wirtschaftsentwicklung. Dank fortschreitender Wirtschaftsreformen und einer günstigen demographische Entwicklung verspricht das asiatische Land weiteres enormes Wachstumspotenzial. Die guten Aussichten ziehen Investoren an. Eine junge Bevölkerung und ein stark wachsender Binnenkonsum kurbeln in Bangladesch den wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung an.

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