Auflösung State Street Fonds

ffb_300_200.jpg Wir informieren Sie darüber, dass folgender Fonds zum 12. November 2013 liquidiert wird. Dies bedeutet, dass der gesamte Fonds aufgelöst und das angelegte Kapital einschließlich der aufgelaufenen Erträge an die Anteilinhaber anteilig ausgeschüttet wird.

Fondsname WKN ISIN
SSgA Japan Alpha Equity Fund 974473 FR0000027294

Die letzte Ausgabe von Anteilen über die FFB fand bereits statt. Die Rücknahme von Anteilen ist über die FFB noch bis zum 27. September 2013 möglich.
Wir werden den Liquidationserlös der Referenzbankverbindung gutschreien. Kunden, die zum Zeitpunkt der Liquidation ein FFB-Fondsdepot :plus eingerichtet haben, werden wir den Liquidationserlös auf dem Abwicklungskonto gutschreiben.
Kunden, die Pläne oder Bestände in diesem Fonds haben, werden durch uns sowohl über die Auflösung als auch die Einstellung ihres Planes informiert.
Anbei finden Sie den dauerhaften Datenträger der Fondsgesellschaft.
Wir möchten an dieser Stelle darauf hinweisen, dass es sich bei dem beigefügten Dokument um ein Schriftstück der Fondsgesellschaft handelt. Für die Verwahrung und Administration von Anteilen und die Umsetzung von Aufträgen verweisen wir auf unsere allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen nebst Preis- und Leistungsverzeichnis.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen




EUR Shares : FR0000027294 / B Shares: FR0011357680
Paris, 19 September 2013
Dear Shareholder,
As a shareholder of the French open-ended investment fund with variable capital SSgA Japan Alpha Equity
Fund (the “SICAV”), which is managed by State Street Global Advisors France S.A. (the “Management
Company”), we would like to thank you for your trust in us.
Due to numerous requests for redemptions and a low number of subscriptions, the size of the SICAV’s assets has
declined significantly in recent years. Given the current low assets of the SICAV, it has become difficult for the
Management Company to manage the fund in the best interest of its shareholders. At its meeting of 21 August
2013, the Board of Directors therefore decided to initiate the early dissolution and liquidation of the SICAV.
The dissolution plan was approved by the French Financial Markets Authority on 10 September 2013.
In accordance with Article 28 of the SICAV’s Articles of Association, subscriptions and redemptions of the
SICAV’s shares are suspended starting from the publication date of the notice of meeting for the combined
general meeting which will deliberate on motions for the early dissolution and liquidation of the SICAV. Since
the notice has been published today, 19 September 2013, you can no longer subscribe for shares or request to
redeem your shares of the SICAV starting from this date.
The current schedule for the liquidation of the SICAV is as follows:
– The combined general meeting of shareholders of the SICAV convened to deliberate on the early
dissolution and liquidation of the SICAV will be held on 4 October 2013 on first call and, if there is no
quorum, on 15 October 2013 on second call.
This meeting will also appoint a liquidator whose mission is to liquidate the SICAV’s portfolio, pay its
creditors and divide the remaining balance among the shareholders in proportion to the number of
SICAV shares held by them.
– In view of the liquidation proceedings, the SICAV’s shareholders will receive, under the conditions set
out in the SICAV’s prospectus, a cash amount corresponding to the number of SICAV shares they hold,
within a period that may vary depending on the specific settlement procedures of each accountholder.
The SICAV shareholders will be reimbursed from 22 October 2013.
– The ordinary general meeting of the SICAV’s shareholders called to deliberate on the closing of the
liquidation should be held on 12 November 2013. This date corresponds to the effective date of
However, if you wish to stay invested in the Japan equities markets, we propose that you reinvest the money you
receive from the reimbursement of your SICAV shares in the SICAV SSgA Japan Index Equity Fund. This
product, whose key investor information document is attached herewith, could provide the desired exposure,
which is similar to that of the SICAV. Please note that such reinvestment would give rise to charges of 0.05% of
the amount of the subscription, payable to the SICAV SSgA Japan Index Equity Fund.
SSgA Japan Index Equity Fund, ISIN codes: P JPY Shares: FR0000017931 / I JPY Shares: FR0010213272 / I
EUR Shares: FR0010482802
Please note that you have until 4 October 2013 to notify us of your choice between a cash refund for your
SICAV shares and reinvestment in the SICAV SSgA Japan Index Equity Fund by returning the enclosed form. If
we do not receive an answer within the time indicated above, we shall consider that you do not wish to subscribe
to the SICAV SSgA Japan Index Equity Fund, and the cash amount corresponding to your share of the remaining
balance in the context of the liquidation of the SICAV Japan Alpha Equity Fund I will be automatically paid to
Your usual representative is available at all times should you need any additional information.
Yours faithfully,
Société Anonyme (public limited company) with capital of €3,888,975.10
Registered office: 23-25 rue Delarivière-Lefoullon – Immeuble Défense Plaza
92064 Paris La Défense Cedex
RCS Nanterre no. 412 052 680
I, the undersigned ______________________, as shareholder of SSgA Japan Alpha Equity Fund (hereinafter the
(please check the box corresponding to your choice)
Wish to receive a cash refund for the sum corresponding to the share of the remaining balance in the
context of the liquidation of the SICAV, under the conditions set out by the SICAV prospectus.
Wish to use the amounts to which I am entitled from the liquidation of the SICAV to subscribe to the
SICAV SSgA Japan Index Equity Fund.1 The subscription for shares of the SICAV SSgA Japan Index
Equity Fund will be executed with the same value date on my account after receipt of this document,
duly dated and signed. Please find attached herewith the key investor information document of the
SICAV. The full prospectus is available at the Company’s registered office:
State Street Global Advisors France
Immeuble Défense Plaza
23-25, rue Delarivière-Lefoullon,
92064 Paris La Défense Cédex
The information contained herein is general and should not be considered as legal, tax or financial advice.
Shareholders should seek third-party advice concerning the consequences, in particular the tax
consequences, that may result from each of the choices presented above.
To confirm your choice, please return this document with your name and address by postal mail before 4
October 2013, to the address below:
CRM Sites Support – Claire Landuyt
23-25 rue Delarivière-Lefoullon
92064 Paris-La Défense
If we do not receive an answer from you within the indicated time, you will receive the amount
corresponding to your share of the remaining balance in the context of the liquidation of the SICAV.
Signed on [?] At [?]___________________
1 Option open until 4 October 2013

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